Four Summer Body Bikini Tips

Four Summer Body Bikini Tips

When summer arrives, lots of us worry about how we’re going to look in our bathing suits, especially after a long winter of cold and comfort food.

Well, despite it being bikini time, summer may actually be the ideal time of year to edge into a healthier, more active lifestyle.

If that sounds like something you’re interested in, check out these tips and get ready to look – and feel – good in your bathing suit!

Tip: Keep a food diary.

This may sound like a silly idea, but nothing could be further from the truth. Throughout the winter, we all ramp up our calorie intake by eating more, but that’s not necessary in the summer. However, old habits die hard, so keeping a food diary can help you understand how much you are actually eating. Remember, one less dessert or bag of crisps and an extra evening walk really can add up.

Tip: Visualise your future.

It might be hard to embrace your current reflection, but you really should – and then, visualise how you want to look. This can be a great motivation for getting healthier and into better shape. Try posting pictures on your refrigerator and mirror for inspiration.

Tip: Watch what you drink.

If you didn’t already know, we’re going to tell you – alcoholic beverages may be delicious, but they harbour a ton of extra calories, and often sugar. Additionally, when you’ve got that wine buzz going, you may be more inclined to make poor food choices. And though soda doesn’t cloud your judgment, it can pack on the pounds, so opt for sparkling water infused with fruit instead.

Tip: Stay active.

Just because you’re more active in the summer doesn’t mean you should hit the pause button on your regular workout regimen. Stay focused on your regular cardio and weight-training routines so that you maintain the practise all season and into the winter.

The summer is an excellent springboard to lock in a healthier lifestyle. And if you get on the right path, you’ll likely stay on that track throughout all four seasons.

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